At HKEX we are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and recognise that good governance is pivotal in helping the business to deliver its strategies whilst generating sustainable shareholder value and meeting its obligations towards shareholders and other stakeholders. As an essential part of this commitment, we operate within a well-defined Governance Structure and embed Governance Principles and Practices in the business which have been established upon the four cornerstones of accountability, transparency, fairness and integrity.
HKEX, as a recognised exchange controller under Section 59 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as well as a listed company, has both Public Responsibilities and Corporate Responsibilities. We recognise that our long-term success and responsibilities are linked inextricably. As a corporation, we adhere to the best corporate governance practices by adopting and complying fully with the established rules, codes, guidelines and recommendations in order to safeguard the best interests of our shareholders and stakeholders. As a front-line regulator, we have the prime role in enhancing corporate governance in Hong Kong, through the maintenance of an orderly, informed and fair market, so as to sustain Hong Kong's status as a leading international financial centre.
In addition, HKEX is governed by its Corporate Values. They shape our corporate culture, guide us in making decisions and conducting business, provide the foundation for our approach to sound corporate governance, and support our drive towards fulfilling our corporate social responsibility (CSR). HKEX uses its best endeavours to uphold and nurture its Corporate Values in all aspects of its operations.
We also count on the community’s support and partnership in advocating excellence in corporate governance. Hence, we appeal to all other market players for joining us in contributing to the upgrading of market quality by practising good corporate governance not only for corporate growth, but also for the prosperity of Hong Kong.