The Complete Guide to Denture Types, Costs, and Procedure

Prosthetic teeth can restore your look and smile the way you want

Dentures: What are they? Just false teeth or protective devices too?

Dentures basically are removable prosthetic teeth. They compensate for the teeth that are lost due to tooth decay, any injury, or similar causes. Dentures are custom-made to mimic the natural shape of the wearer’s teeth to sit exactly on the missing teeth.

Most people who choose dentures go for it because they have lost their natural teeth to oral health issues, injuries or tooth decay. Losing teeth can result in a number of problems, like speech issues, problems with eating and chewing. In some cases, the entire jaw is removed and replaced with a full set of dentures.

In some cases, people also opt for dentures for purely cosmetic reasons. An example is fixing crooked smiles. Dentures are one of the most common and effective treatment options to replace missing teeth.

In serious cases where dental implants or other methods are not workable, dentures, or “false teeth” as sometimes known, are installed for tooth loss. They are natural looking and cost-effective, which makes them a very popular choice among people.

Dentures have a number of benefits, including better smile, improved speech, and hence better confidence. Let’s deep dive into how dentures can provide you a solution for tooth loss.


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Four different types of dentures

After conducting a detailed examination, a prosthodontist or a general dentist will recommend a type of denture that is most suitable for you. Dentures cost is also dependent on the type you choose.

Some people focus on “false teeth” cost as the only factor, but quality of the dentures is also important, and is also dependent on whether you are getting full or removable dentures. Some of these types include:

  • Partial Dentures: These are a suitable choice if some of the teeth are still healthy. Partial dentures are clipped around the remaining healthy teeth. The clips might be visible when you talk but are made of tooth-colored material.

  • Full Dentures: This type of false teeth are recommended if all teeth are lost due to an infection, injury, periodontitis or any medical condition. This particular type is attached to the plate, made of either metal or acrylic, which sits against the gums via an adhesive.

  • Removable Dentures: A more commonly and conventional type, removable dentures have an added benefit of easy cleanliness. However, the downside is that they can slip out of their plates easily, making eating a challenge. A false adhesive can be used to overcome this problem, but it can be difficult to use. They last nearly five years before they may need to be replaced. The cost also varies, as it differs depending if you are getting a single palette or two (upper and lower both).

  • Flexible Dentures: These types of dentures are made of flexible and durable material, making them a popular alternative to traditional dentures. Due to their manufacturing material, they are comfortable to wear. The translucent resin matches the gum color, and hence, no visible clips can be seen. They are also light-weight, and typically last 5-8 years before any need of replacement.

Conventional & immediate dentures: what’s the difference?

The difference between the two types of dentures lies right there in the name. While immediate dentures are inserted as soon as your teeth are extracted, conventional dentures are cast over the mouth cavity after your teeth are extracted and your gums have healed from the entire process.

It can take conventional dentures as long as one month to mold but having them molded perfectly to your gums will help to make them an easy fit in the mouth. Immediate dentures are fitted in your mouth instantly, and they give the illusion of having your new teeth fixed right away. They are, however, molded to your gums before they’ve healed.

This is why you have to regularly visit your dentist, so they can adjust the dentures to make them fit your mouth perfectly. This can lead to uncomfortable dentures that are ill-fitting, and the cost for modifications in the longer run is higher too. If you have a tooth sensitive to hot and cold due to damage, dentures may be your best friend.

If living without teeth for a few weeks is unappealing for you, immediate dentures will help you be confident about the way you look instantly. If you want to save money and get dentures that are the perfect fit for your recovered mouth, go for conventional dentures.

What is the average cost of dentures?

Dentures cost is dependent on the type and material use in manufacturing. Complete dentures will cost more than partial, while chrome-plated dentures will be more expensive than acrylics.

According to the results of the national dental fee survey conducted in 2017, a full upper and lower traditional denture will cost around $3,870. If only an upper or lower denture is needed, the cost will be up to $2,000.

How long does it take to get dentures done?

Usually, immediate dentures are made on the same day and inserted that you get your natural teeth taken out. You can wear them until you are done recovering from the extractions. On the other hand, it takes around two to three weeks to make conventional dentures. These are placed in your mouth after your gums have fully recovered from the extractions, which can take many weeks.

When do I need dentures?

The need for dentures come in when you have noticeable tooth loss or are missing the majority, or all of your teeth. If there are natural teeth that are still safe and sound, there is a specific denture available for that as well. But things like gum disease, any dental irregularities like ectodermal dysplasia or tooth decay generally permit wearing dentures. They are also a sustainable solution for tooth sensitive to cold.

Applying the dentures

An experienced dentist will fit the dentures. To create the dentures that are your size, measurements are taken through molds or impressions of the mouth. These impressions are used to create dentures. To cut down the time you have to spend without the teeth, dentures are fit in your mouth as soon as your teeth are extracted. But, if you come across any kind of injury or swelling, they will be fitted once the condition improves.

Occasionally, false teeth are fixated in your mouth, which are created from the initial molds taken from your jaws. These allow a patient to examine if the dentures are comfortable before the final set of them is produced. The shape and color will also be adjusted in the final set of dentures. These sample dentures are made of metal plates or plastic and have prosthetic teeth, which are clipped on to the existing teeth and are held strictly in place.

Taking care of your dentures and prosthetic teeth

The artificial teeth need to be cleaned every day because our mouth has a lot of harmful bacteria. The dentist will suggest a suitable way to clean your dentures. Cleaning solutions should also be used after denture repair.

You need to use different solutions to clean false teeth, and this also depends on the type of material they are made from. Which is why it is best that you consult your dentist in this regard. To ensure that your fake teeth last for long, you need to handle them carefully. Do not bend them in an unnatural way and try not to damage any clips while cleaning them.

You can soak your dentures (permanent or partial dentures) overnight as well, this prevents them from drying out. However, do rinse them under water before you wear them again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does getting dentures hurt?

You might experience irritation in the beginning, but it goes away as soon as your mouth adjusts to the dentures. You may also observe pain and unease after you’ve had your teeth extracted, but the amount of pain you experience may vary.

In case of unusual pain, immediately refer to the denture clinic where you got them from. Since dentures are made precisely to fit your personal specifications, you can get your dentures attuned through the normal healing process to ensure a perfect fit.

For how long do dentures last?

If you take good care of them, dentures will last around five to eight years before they need replacement. During these years, your mouth changes its alignment and the dentures begin to wear out. Hence, your dentures will have to be remade to keep them comfy and natural looking. False teeth cost might be a bit high, but it is worth it in the end.

Is there any substitute treatment for dentures?

If you do not want to refer to a denture clinic, there are multiple substitutes for dentures as well. These include tooth supported fixed bridges and dental implants. With the passage of time, dental implants are becoming more and more famous. The reason being their resemblance to the feel of natural teeth. But they are more costly than dentures, and for you to get them done, you need healthy gums and jawbone. The treatment isn’t suitable for everyone.

Will dentures change my appearance?

It is quite difficult to differentiate false teeth from natural teeth since they are designed to look as natural as possible. They will give you a beautiful smile and also solve any facial sagging that may have been caused by missing teeth.

Should I avoid eating something after getting dentures?

After first getting false teeth, you might need to opt for soft foods cut into small pieces. Tooth decay can make tooth sensitive to hot and cold, hence false teeth might cause temporary discomfort but they help to provide a permanent solution to the problem.

Can I use toothpaste?

Normal toothpaste is specifically designed for real teeth, and it has ingredients that may harm your dentures. To avoid damage, wash your dentures by hand every night with a soft-bristles toothbrush that is specially made for dentures.

Can small adjustments be made to my dentures?

If you want to have any adjustments made, consult your dentist. If you notice any crack or chip in the dentures, or one of your teeth feels loose, you may even be able to get adjustments made on the same day by your dentist. Always consult a professional when you face a problem.
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