The Risk Management Committee (statutory) was established in compliance with Section 65 of the
Consists of not more than 8 members -
- the Board Chairman (as the chairman of the Committee)
- not less than 4 or more than 7 other members (pursuant to the SFO, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong shall appoint not less than 3 or more than 5 members, while the Board shall appoint not more than 2 members)
Major roles and functions
- To formulate policies on risk management matters relating to the activities of HKEX, the Stock Exchange and the Futures Exchange and their respective clearing houses, and to submit such policies to the Board for its consideration
- To review and assess policies employed by HKEX pertaining to significant risk areas
- To advise on matters raised by the Directors and the management that may have an impact on the stability and integrity of the securities and derivatives markets of Hong Kong
Operating mode
Normally meet once every quarter